December 2012The Microsoft unified communications platform is becoming more tightly integrated and has a more resilient architecture.
Category: Microsoft Technet
Microsoft Monthly Technet Utility Spotlight
Geek of All Trades: Script-free glue for automation
December 2012System Center Orchestrator 2012 uses runbooks to automate activities and tasks—all without requiring a single line of code or script.
Geek of All Trades: Script-free glue for automation
December 2012System Center Orchestrator 2012 uses runbooks to automate activities and tasks—all without requiring a single line of code or script.
Windows 8: Identify your unique adoption path
December 2012Windows 8 can fit into your infrastructure regardless of which Windows OS you’re using now or where you are in your migration plans.
Editor’s Note: New year, new challenges
December 2012It’s time to change the calendars and finalize your plans for the coming year. How will you approach the challenges and opportunities of new technologies?
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010: Manage database copies
December 2012You can create and manage copies of Exchange databases for archiving and disaster recovery purposes.
Utility Spotlight: Gather troubleshooting data
December 2012The Microsoft Product Support Reports tool collects information on a misbehaving system to help you (or Microsoft) diagnose the source of the problem.
SQL Server 2012: Password emergency
December 2012If the unthinkable happens and you forget your SQL Server password, there are ways to get back into the system.
Windows PowerShell: Make the second hop
December 2012You can run into some tricky situations when Remoting with Windows PowerShell. Just be careful how many times you make the hop.
SQL Server: SQL Server certification
December 2012You have a lot of options for getting certified on your version of SQL Server, and you should do so if you’re the one responsible for keeping it up and running.
Windows Confidential: The hidden variables
December 2012Embedding one environment variable within another is simply a matter of good operational timing.
IT Management: The IT social contract
December 2012Businesses need the proper tools to function. And nowhere is that more clear than with IT. Here’s the user’s Bill of Rights from the IT department.
Toolbox: New products for IT professionals
December 2012Monitor Web services and event logs with these easy-to-use solutions.
Exchange Queue & A: Moving online
December 2012You’ll have some decisions to make when moving e-mail from on-premises to a cloud-based environment such as Exchange Online.
Active Directory: Active Directory structures
December 2012While simple is often best, you might want to consider applying a more creative layout to your Active Directory infrastructure.
Windows Confidential: Windows 95 Unplugged
September 2008Raymond Chen explains how a bit of diagnostic code unexpectedly brought the Windows 95 build to crawl.
Field Notes: Innovation from Within
September 2008Romi Mahajan explains his theory of “Innovation from Within,” which emphasizes both human creativity and capital as keys to sustained comparative advantage.
Toolbox: New Products for IT Pros
September 2008Toolbox: New Products for IT Pros
The Desktop Files: Advanced Functionality in WDS
September 2008In his third installment on Windows Deployment Services, Wes Miller explores features that enhance performance and scalability, logging, and command-line automation.
Letters: Readers Speak Out
September 2008Letters: Readers Speak Out