Utility Spotlight: WMI Code Creator

January • February 2006 As a systems administrator you’re surely no stranger to Windows®Management Instrumentation (WMI), which gives you access to a wealth of management information and allows you to automate administrative tasks. Microsoft Download Link…

Utility Spotlight: Server Performance Advisor

March • April 2006 Establishing solid configurations that are optimized for a server’s unique environment can often be challenging work, especially in large or complex environments. Once your servers are deployed, keeping an eye on performance to ensure that every server is running in tip-top shape can be a full-time job. Microsoft Download Link…

Utility Spotlight: Access-Based Enumeration

September 2006 As a systems administrator, you’ve probably had users complain that they can’t access certain folders they see in Windows® Explorer. The cause is often simple: the user doesn’t have permission to open those resources. Microsoft Download Link…